Jan Petr Research Group

Welcome to Jan Petr Research Group!

We specialize in analytical chemistry, especially in capillary electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and low-cost microfluidics. We focus on the development of new methods for chiral separations and for on-line preconcentration of analytes. We are interested in the connection of capillary electrophoresis with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and capillary electrophoresis with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We also analyze the behavior of nanoparticles in capillary electrophoresis. In the field of microfluidics, we develop new low-cost microfluidic devices from paper, foil, plastics, and PDMS. We are also using 3D printing to design new microdevices.

Dr. Jan Petr
Address: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Palacký University in Olomouc, 
17. listopadu 12, 77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Phone: +420-585-63-4416
E-mail: secjpetr@gmail.com; jan.petr@upol.cz


Elena Kučerová successfully defended her BSc thesis. Congratulations!

19/05 – 22/05/2024
Jan Petr attended 40th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioseparations, MSB 2024, held in Brno, Czech Republic. He chaired the session “Microfluidics I”, and presented a lecture “Characterization of nanoparticles in mixtures by capillary electrophoresis and Taylor dispersion analysis hyphenated to ICP-MS”.

Jan Petr attended the Hyperion course “Getting Ready for Framework 10” presented by Sylvia McCarthy and Dr. Sean McCarthy.

Lucie Surá successfully defended her MSc thesis. Congratulation and thank you for being a part of our team!

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